eye care, optometry, cataract, cornea, diabetic retinopathy, laser vision correction, macular degeneration, refractive surgery, retina, retinoschisis, eye research, vision research, LASIK specialist, detachments tears, flashes floaters, cryopexy, proliferative, fundus fluorescein angiography.

Detachments / Tears
Flashes and Floaters
Diabetic Retinopathy
Proliferative Retinopathy
Fundus Fluorescein Angiography
Macular Degeneration

The macula is the central area of retina responsible for fine central vision. In diabetes the blood vessels around the macula become leaky. They leak fluid and lipids into the macular area. These leaky areas are identified by fundus fluroscein angiography. Your doctor looks at the angiogram and decides whether laser photo - coagulation is needed or not. The aim of laser photocoagulation is to stop the leaks and allow the resorbtion of fluid.

This prevents certain irreversible changes from taking place. Laser photocoagulation helps in maintaining existing vision. The vision may be blurred following laser photocoagulation. Over a period of few months there may be some improvement in vision. In some cases macular changes may progress despite the photocoagulation and vision may drop further. Dramatic improvement of vision after photocoagulation is NOT expected. Treatment is done on an out patient basis. It is a painless procedure. The eye is anaesthetized by local drops. A contact lens is placed on the eye and photocoagulation done, after the pupils are fully dilated. The total period in the clinic will be about two hours.

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